Yay! I finally got my blog up and running! It took at long while to figure out how it all works... call me slow.
I'm using Fat Cow hosting which I've been very pleased with thus far. I had a bit of an issue trying to link my domain back to my blog, and their support was very prompt, thorough, and helpful!
I also found a great background here.
In the midst of all this, I attempted a little HTML code myself, and was quite pleased to make words appear in a web browser. Hey, I like to celebrate the small things!
On a parenting note: Pumpkin Doodle has started on solid foods! He was none to happy about rice cereal, until this momma added applesauce. Carrots have been the hands down favorite, with today's first try at green beans coming in a close second. I'm so excited to have a good eater! Here's hoping he doesn't develop his dad's tendency to be a picky eater, or food allergies.
Hubby is allergic to all manner of food (onions, lettuce, tomato, coffee, chocolate, you get the idea). The only serious problem food, as in induces anaphylactic shock, is strawberries. So we keep a bottle of infant allergy meds close by when introducing new to food to Pumpkin Doodle, just in case.
So, until the next post, anyone have any great blogging tips for me? Or allergy busting recipes?